Tri-County Electric's Solar Program
Tri-County Electric Cooperative is available to assist members interested in a solar power system for their homes or small commercial establishments.
A solar power system may or may not be for you. While it may potentially lower your home energy usage and lead to eventual financial savings on electric bills, it may also take years to see those benefits, including a significant initial investment.
Going solar?
Whether you are ready to commit or just fact-finding, Tri-County Electric Cooperative’s team of energy advisors are ready to take your solar questions.
For more information, please contact us at or 817.752.8119.
Already solar?
Current TCEC members whose solar power systems were installed before March 1, 2024 will remain on the “grandfathered” plan, unless major changes are made to their systems.
This “grandfather” status was recently extended an additional 10 years to expire March 1, 2044.
Members interested in the solar program can submit an application. Before applying, we recommend reviewing the solar resources on this webpage and talking to multiple installers to find a solution that best fits your needs.
Applications will be reviewed within 10 business days of the application fee payment. The application process may be delayed if additional information is required. Learn more about the application process here.
There is a $500 fee for each solar application submitted. If significant changes (including the addition, changing, or alteration of components) are made to the submitted system design after review and approval, a new application and fee may be required.
An additional $100 fee may be assessed if there are two failed reviews of the distributed generation application.
Additionally, there is a $12 distributed generation fee applied to your monthly bill to offset operation and maintenance expenses related to solar.
Members may look up their distributed generation application status here.
To add additional equipment to an existing solar service, please complete this form.
A smart meter is required to participate in the distributed generation program. A new meter installation should not be required for new solar installations. Members who participate in the non-standard meter program may not participate in the distributed generation program unless a smart meter is installed.
Tri-County does not provide a production meter. Tri-County's meters track kWh purchased and kWh exported from the solar facility.
- kWh Purchased – Electric energy the co-op delivered/sent to the Member
- kWh Exported – Electric energy the co-op received from the Member
Tri-County will notify a member via email when you have permission to operate the system. The application process must be complete before you can operate the system. Tampering charges, including a $2,500 fee, may be applied if the system is turned on without approval. Failure to comply may result in the disconnection of service.
You will receive a monthly statement with all kWh purchased and kWh exported for the bill period, including a minimum monthly charge of $30.
The $30 monthly charge is the $18 customer charge and the $12 distributed generation (DG) charge.
Yes, a separate application, interconnection agreement, and $500 application fee will be needed for each meter connected to the solar system.
This per kilowatt-hour rate is equal to the Base Power Cost rate in the Energy Charge plus the Power Cost Recovery Factor (PCRF) which effectively represents what other suppliers are paid.
Month | PCRF/kWH | Avoided Cost/kWh |
February 2025 | -2.25 cents | 9.75 cents |
January 2025 | -2.25 cents | 9.75 cents |
December 2024 | -2.00 cents | 10 cents |
November 2024 | -2.25 cents | 9.75 cents |
October 2024 | -2.75 cents | 9.25 cents |
September 2024 | -3.5 cents | 8.5 cents |
August 2024 | -3.5 cents | 8.5 cents |
July 2024 | -3.5 cents | 8.5 cents |
June 2024 | -3.5 cents | 8.5 cents |
May 2024 | -2.25 cents | 9.75 cents |
April 2024 | -2.25 cents | 9.75 cents |
March 2024 | -2.25 cents | 9.75 cents |
February 2024 | -2.25 cents | 9.75 cents |
January 2024 | -2.25 cents | 9.75 cents |
December 2023 | -2.25 cents | 9.75 cents |
November 2023 | -2.25 cents | 9.75 cents |
October 2023 | -2 cents | 10 cents |
September 2023 | -2 cents | 10 cents |
August 2023 | -2 cents | 10 cents |
July 2023 | -2 cents | 10 cents |
Tri-County will review and reconcile solar member accounts in March of each year. For any unused or excess credits, members will receive payment by check once per year or when they close their utility account with Tri-County.
Rates for the new solar program were determined by a third-party cost-of-service study. Rates and minimums are set to ensure fixed and variable costs are recovered.
The $12 distributed generation charge allows the cooperative to recover its fixed costs for providing service, so that service is always available when you need it.
1. Contact Information: Tri-County Electric Cooperative phone number and website.
2. Total Amount Due: Summarizes the total amount due on this statement including the due date. Auto Pay will be indicated if you participate in automatic debit/credit card or bank draft.
3. Your Account Information: Your account number and bill date for the current bill.
4. Account Message Center: Important messages about capital credit allocations, credit card expiration dates, or past due amounts.
5. Monthly Usage Comparison: A quick snapshot of your current billing period usage and how it compares to past usage.
6. Daily Usage: Average energy used per day for the current billing period, along with average daily cost.
7. Tri-County Message Center: Read important messages about services, notices and events.
8. Payment Stub: Detach and include this portion of the bill if you're paying by mail, in-person, or using one of our drop-boxes.

9. Purchased Power Meter Information: Meter number, days of service, reading dates, meter readings, total kWh energy purchased in the current billing period, and peak demand for the billing cycle.
10. Exported Power Meter Information: Meter number, days of service, reading dates, meter readings, and total kWh energy exported to Tri-County in the current billing period.
11. Account Information: Account number, main phone number, service description, board district, and rate.
12. Energy Comparison Graph: Past 12-month usage trends, along with the average monthly high and low temperatures.
13. Previous Billing Information: A summary of the previous month's billing information.
14. Minimum Monthly Bill Charge: Monthly charge that consists of a $18 customer charge and a $12 distributed generation charge.
15. Purchased Energy: A detailed breakdown of energy purchased from Tri-County, which consists of the Energy Charge, PCRF, and Brazos Financing Rider.
16. Exported Energy: Detailed information about the total energy supplied to Tri-County at the current avoided cost rate in addition to any banked credits.
1. Contact Information: Tri-County Electric Cooperative phone number and website.
2. Total Amount Due: Summarizes the total amount due on this statement including the due date. Auto Pay will be indicated if you participate in automatic debit/credit card or bank draft.
3. Your Account Information: Your account number and bill date for the current bill.
4. Account Message Center: Important messages about capital credit allocations, credit card expiration dates, or past due amounts.
5. Monthly Usage Comparison: A quick snapshot of your current billing period usage and how it compares to past usage.
6. Daily Usage: Average energy used per day for the current billing period, along with average daily cost.
7. Tri-County Message Center: Read important messages about services, notices and events.
8. Payment Stub: Detach and include this portion of the bill if you're paying by mail, in-person, or using one of our drop-boxes.

9. Purchased Power Meter Information: Meter number, days of service, reading dates, meter readings, total kWh energy purchased in the current billing period, and peak demand for the billing cycle.
10. Exported Power Meter Information: Meter number, days of service, reading dates, meter readings, and total kWh energy exported to Tri-County in the current billing period.
11. Account Information: Account number, main phone number, service description, board district, and rate.
12. Energy Comparison Graph: Past 12-month usage trends, along with the average monthly high and low temperatures.
13. Previous Billing Information: A summary of the previous month's billing information.
14. Current Monthly Charges: Monthly charge that consists of a $18 customer charge and a $12 distributed generation charge, energy charge, PCRF, and Brazos Financing Rider.
Meter Reminder!
When you install a solar facility, you may need to disconnect your power. Please call a Tri-County Electric Cooperative representative at 817.444.3201 at least two business days in advance to request a temporary disconnect. Remember, meters can be dangerous if mishandled, and a meter seal protects you and others from harm. That’s why no seal may be removed or cut by anyone other than an authorized Tri-County Electric Cooperative employee.
Want to find out more?
Tri-County Electric Cooperative's team of trusted energy advisors are ready to answer your questions.
For more information, please contact us at or 817.752.8119.