Employees must avoid activities, actions, and behaviors that create a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Use of Office: Employees must not use their office or position for private gain for themselves, other individuals, or organizations with which they are associated.
- Use of Information: Employees must not use inside information for private gain, either by direct action or by counsel, recommendations, or suggestions to other individuals or organizations with which they are associated.
- Gain from Beneficiary Organizations: Employees must not receive or solicit from beneficiary organizations, related organizations, or other individuals having business with the Cooperative, goods, services, or anything of value as a gift, loan, favor, or gratuity for themselves or any other individuals or organizations with which they are associated.
- Decisions Which Pose a Conflict of Interest: Employees must make full disclosure to a supervisor, Department Head or Human Resources of any facts indicating a conflict of interest. Employees must disqualify themselves from participating in decisions posing a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.
When an employee is unsure if an action, decision, use of information or receipt of a gift, good or service is ethical or proper, the employee should contact their supervisor, department head, or Human Resources to discuss as soon as possible.
Minimal vendor promotional items may be accepted and distributed for specific project launches, celebrations, etc., as deemed appropriate by a member of the Executive Team. Items to be distributed must be of minimal value, of benefit to the whole group, and approved by a member of the Executive Team prior to receipt and distribution.
Members of management with influence on transactions involving purchases, contracts, leases, goods, or services shall be held to the highest accountability for maintaining TCEC’s ethical standards as detailed above. Members of management must report any potential conflicts of interest to a Department Head, Human Resources, or the CEO as soon as possible.